Top 10 best pikeperch trolls: rating 2021-2022 years and what to choose summer / winter variants

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Pikeperch is a predatory fish that is very often caught using trollers. This artificial lure attracts the attention of fish and significantly increases the likelihood of getting a rich catch.

When choosing a troll, it is important to consider the fish's habits. Pikeperch is better caught on narrow artificial lures with a body length of 5-10 cm.

It is also important to consider the mass of the bait. It must sink quickly to the bottom, but it must be quite maneuverable, as pike is better caught when often tapping the bait on the bottom.

Color bait does not play a key role, but still better to pick up a bait, color that will match the prevailing food base in a particular pond.

To choose a bait was easier, we have prepared some tips on how to choose and compiled a rating of the best pikeperch baits according to 2021-2022.

Rating TOP-10 best pikeperch baits for pikeperch in 2021-2022.

Location Name Price
Top 4 best pikeperch trolls by price/quality for 2021-2022
1 Rapala Jigging Rap W07-GPHF 18 gr 70 mm Learn the price
2 MIKADO oscillating Pike №1 PMB-WPI-18G 18 g 76 mm Check out the price
3 Abu Garcia Toby 20g S To know the price
4 MIKADO Zoe 1 PMB-WZE-18-07 18 g 79 mm Learn the price
Top 3 best summer pikeperch trolls
1 Abu Garcia Toby 60g White Flash Learn the price
2 Kuusamo Taimen 75/25 S-C (Ruska) Learn the price
3 MIKADO Pike No. 1 PMB-WPI-7G 7 g 76 mm Learn the price
Top 3 best winter pike trolls for pikeperch
1 "Pilker" with Owner tee, 10 g, 50 mm Learn the price
2 Rapala Bergman BWBO80-S 17 g 80 mm Ask the price of
3 Heavy Slver, 40 grams, 67 mm Learn the price

How to choose a troll for pikeperch?

First of all, it should be taken into account that the bobber is selected according to the type of fish that you plan to catch.

For pikeperch their baits are used, in the selection of which several important characteristics are taken into account:

  1. Season. The behavior of predatory fish is very different in summer and winter. In the cold season pikeperch is passive and prefers to wait for prey in hiding, so for winter it is better to choose vertical baits, which are more likely to attract the attention of the predator. In summer you can use horizontal baits.
  2. Shape. For pikeperch the best choice will be narrow-bodied lures up to 11 cm in length. In the water column it is these baits most resemble small fish.
  3. Weight. Another important criterion for selecting a troll, because the bait for pikeperch must quickly sink to the bottom. In addition, a heavy bait is much easier to play to attract the attention of predatory fish.

Color artificial lure key role does not play, but it is better to have in stock a few baits of different colors. This will help to adjust fishing depending on the characteristics and the food base of a particular body of water.


The top 4 best pikeperch trollers by price/quality for 2021-2022.

A quality catchable artificial lure doesn't have to be expensive. Many brands have fairly high quality, but relatively inexpensive trollers. Four products were voted the best in 2021-2022.

Rapala balancer Jigging Rap W07-GPHF 18 g 70 mm

This troller, in shape and size, is ideal for catching predatory fish, particularly, 1pikeperch and perch.

It looks like a small fish and is ideal for playing, so it is sure to attract the attention of predators.

Because of this, the troll can be used even for winter fishing when predatory fish are passive.

Another feature of this troll is that it is equipped with a sunken hook, so the fisherman can be sure that the pikeperch will not drag the hook to the bottom.

The mass of the troll is optimal, so the bait quickly goes to the bottom, and the fisherman could easily play with a troll to attract the attention of the future catch.

The silver-blue color of the troll makes it clearly visible in dark and murky water in freshwater reservoirs.


  • balancer type;
  • sinking hook;
  • size 70 mm;
  • weight 18 g.


  • solid soldered hook;
  • suitable for spinning;
  • can be used to catch various types of predatory fish;
  • optimum weight makes it easier to play the bait;
  • the length of the bait is ideal for fishing pikeperch.


  • not suitable for catching large predators;
  • Can only be used in winter.

MIKADO oscillating Pike №1 PMB-WPI-18G 18 g 76 mm

According to user reviews, this classic shape wobbler has 2excellent catchability and has proven its quality in practice.

This bait is presented in a huge variety of colors, so everyone can pick up a bait of the desired shade, focusing on the color of the water and the type of food base in a particular body of water.

The effectiveness of the bait also provides its appearance. Durable galvanic coating and imitation of scales make the bait visible in the water.

To improve catchability the manufacturer has provided a double suspension hook.

If necessary, the user can easily replace it with a hook of the right type and size.

Because of this, the troll can be used not only for fishing pikeperch, but also other predatory fish, including perch, catfish and asp.

The bait consists of strong connecting rings, so even large fish will not be able to tear the bait from the rig.


  • oscillating type;
  • hook - double suspension;
  • size 76 mm;
  • weight 18 g.


  • low price;
  • equipped with a strong and sharp double hook;
  • a wide choice of colors;
  • the surface has an imitation of scales;
  • suitable for winter fishing.


  • some users consider the hook attachment insufficiently reliable;
  • not suitable for summer fishing.

Abu Garcia Toby 20g S.

One of the highest quality artificial lures on the market today. Despite its 2Despite its affordable price, it has excellent catchability, and its shape and size make it suitable for fishing pikeperch and other types of small predatory fish.

It is suitable for spinning, but it can also be attached to an ordinary fishing rod if you have some practice.

The bait is made of brass, so its color and performance characteristics do not change in constant contact with water.

A distinctive feature of the lure is its S-shaped spoon shape.

Because of this form of bait is well visible in muddy water, and the user can easily play the bait to attract the attention of passive winter predatory fish.

The mass of the troll is quite impressive, so the bait quickly goes to the bottom, which makes it suitable for catching predatory and bottom fish.


  • oscillating type;
  • size 75 mm;
  • weight 20 g.


  • quickly goes to the bottom due to the large weight;
  • made entirely of brass;
  • can be used in freshwater and saltwater;
  • Suitable for playing bait to attract fish;
  • special shape makes the troll visible in the water.


  • The price seems overpriced to some users;
  • Not always available.

MIKADO oscillating Zoe #1 PMB-WZE-18-07 18 g 79 mm

Another inexpensive but quality oscillating bobber, which is ideal for 2pikeperch and other small size predatory fish.

The type of attachment is designed for spinning rods, but it can also be tied to a regular fishing rod. The bait is equipped by default with a triple suspension hook. It is securely attached to the body of the bait, so even a large and strong fish will not be able to rip the tackle.

The hook is sharp enough, so it securely hooks the fish and does not let it snap.

Before buying, you should consider that the troll is not designed for summer fishing, but due to the bright color and universal size it can be used in freshwater reservoirs of different types.

Also, the troll is heavy enough, so it quickly goes to the bottom and is suitable for enticing bait play.

In addition, users praise the quality of workmanship of the lure.

Technical characteristics:

  • oscillating type;
  • hook - triple suspension;
  • size 79 mm;
  • weight 18 g.

Pros of

  • Suitable for catching almost any predatory fish;
  • excellent workmanship;
  • The bait is equipped with a sharp triple hook;
  • bright color makes the bait visible in the water;
  • adequate price.


  • Not suitable for winter fishing;
  • some users believe that the hook mount is not strong enough for big fish.

Top 3 best summer trollers for pikeperch

For summer fishing for pikeperch, you need a special bobber, which can be played in the water not only vertically, but also horizontally. In the warm season, the fish is quite active and responds well to artificial lures.

Abu Garcia Toby 60g White Flash

The main feature of this bait is that it can easily hold 3sprawling wiggling game in water.

Such movements imitate the habits of small fish and excellently attract the attention of predators. The body of the bait has an elongated shape.

At the bottom there are two fins, and the outer part is covered with a special corrugation, which also imitates the appearance of small fish.

Another feature of the artificial bait is that it weighs quite a lot, so the fisherman will not find it difficult to throw it for quite a long distance.

In addition, this weight makes the game of the troll attractive and stable even in waters with a strong current. The plaice is equipped with a strong single hook, which has a high sharpness and reliably holds the fish caught.

Technical characteristics:

  • oscillating type;
  • size 110 mm;
  • weight 60 g.


  • strong hook attachment;
  • impressive weight allows the bait to play even in the strong current;
  • Suitable for catching large predatory fish;
  • Appearance imitates scales;
  • Suitable for all types of fishing rods.


  • some users find the troll too expensive;
  • suitable only for summer fishing.

Kuusamo Taimen 75/25 S-C (Ruska)

Quality and relatively inexpensive oscillating bobber, which is ideal for 5for summer fishing.

It can be used not only for pikeperch fishing, but also for trout and other types of predatory fish. The shape and weight of the troll makes it suitable for long-distance casting as well as trolling lures.

The impressive weight of the bait allows it to play an active lure even in waters with a strong current.

The bait itself is made of brass, which successfully withstands constant exposure to water.

The upper part of the bait is wider and heavier than the lower, which allows you to use the bait for dynamic play.

The lure is available in several color options, so it is easy to pick up a suitable lure depending on the type of water body.


  • oscillating type;
  • size 75 mm;
  • weight 25 g.


  • adequate price;
  • Suitable for catching almost any predatory fish;
  • ideal for dynamic play in the water column;
  • can be used for long-distance casting;
  • troll has a strong and sharp hook.


  • not suitable for winter fishing;
  • some users have problems with fixing the bait.

MIKADO oscillating Pike #1 PMB-WPI-7G 7 g 76 mm

This oscillating spinner is equipped with an unhooked, so the risk of the bait 4of getting caught in algae and getting lost is minimized.

The effectiveness of the lure is increased by the galvanic coating and the imitation of scales along the entire length of the product. Additionally, the product is equipped with strong connecting rings and sharp hooks that can hold even big fish.

Since the hook is double, the bait can be used to catch large predators.

Another feature of the troll is its democratic cost.

The product is available in several color options.

This allows the user to choose several types of lures at once, so that the spinner can be used in different water bodies.

There is a small hole in the upper part for attaching a fishing line, so it is easy to tie the bait to a spinning rod or ordinary fishing rod.


  • oscillating type;
  • hook - double suspension;
  • size 76 mm;
  • weight 7 g.


  • galvanic coating of high strength;
  • the bait is equipped with a sharp double hook;
  • there is an imitation of scales;
  • suitable for catching big fish;
  • easy attachment to the line.


  • Not suitable for winter fishing;
  • too light.

The top 3 best winter baits for pikeperch

A winter tinsel should have such a design that the owner has the opportunity to attract the attention of a passive in the cold season of fish.

"Pilker" with "Owner" tee, 10 g, 50 mm

This troll was specially designed to catch pikeperch during the cold season. It 4is made of silver binary alloy, although the cost of the lure is very affordable.

The design also allows for bass fishing from the ice.

Additionally, the plaice is equipped with a triple hook with fluorescent kembrick, so the fisherman will not be difficult to track the behavior of the bait in the water column.

The color of the bait is silver. Despite the fact that when catching pikeperch bait color does not play a key role, but still this silver bait is perfectly distinguished in the dark water column and attracts the attention of predatory fish.

Weight of the product is not the greatest, so it is not suitable for long throws, but the bait quickly enough goes to the bottom and responsive to the actions of the fisherman, allowing to conduct an enticing game.

Technical characteristics:

  • hook - triple suspension;
  • size 50 mm;
  • weight 10 g.


  • troll is made of silver alloy;
  • sharp and high-quality triple hook;
  • simple attachment;
  • optimal coloring to attract prey;
  • affordable cost.


  • absolutely not suitable for summer fishing;
  • not always available on sale.

Rapala Bergman BWBO80-S 17 g 80 mm

One of the highest quality and catchiest baits on the market today. It was 2designed specifically for winter fishing pikeperch, as with the help of this bait can be carried out a characteristic trotting game in the water column.

With short jerks it imitates the chaotic movements of fry, so it can attract the attention of even the most passive predatory fish.

This tippet has an optimal weight, so when making long spins it goes smoothly sideways from the hole, allowing to attract the attention of even the fish, which is at a distance from the place of fishing.

The bait has a smart design, which responds well to any game. Additionally, the lure is equipped with a triple sharp hook, which is suspended on a short steel clasp.

This solution guarantees a secure grip even for large specimens of predatory fish.

Another feature of the troll is that the center of gravity is located in the middle of the product, and the lower part is slightly extended. Due to this bait smoothly, but quickly goes to the bottom, slightly swaying from side to side and attracting pikeperch.

Technical characteristics:

  • hook - triple suspension;
  • size 80 mm;
  • weight 17 g.


  • suitable for any trolling technique;
  • optimal weight allows the bait to quickly go to the bottom;
  • has a very sharp triple hook;
  • Ideal for ice fishing;
  • allows you to fish a large area.


  • designed for winter fishing only;
  • some users have trouble attaching the bait to the line.

Heavy Slver, 40 grams, 67 mm

This silver oscillating lure was specifically designed for winter fishing for pikeperch. 8pikeperch, but it can also be used for other predatory fish.

A distinctive feature of this bait is its increased weight. Due to this, the bait goes very quickly to the bottom, and during the game makes smooth movements in the water column, attracting the attention of underwater inhabitants, which are passive in the cold season.

Impressive weight of the bait is due to the fact that it is made of lead.

Lures are cast under pressure, so the surface is perfectly flat and smooth.

The outside of the lure is coated with silver, which gives the product the necessary rigidity.

Due to this weight and design, the lure is suitable even for long-distance throwing for fishing pikeperch, bream and other types of fish.

Technical characteristics:

  • hook - triple suspension;
  • size 67 mm;
  • weight 40 g.


  • increased catchability;
  • perfectly flat and smooth surface;
  • Suitable for long reaches;
  • can even be used for summer fishing;
  • equipped with a very sharp double hook.


  • Hard to find on sale;
  • Some users think the price is too high.

What company to choose?

There are several proven manufacturers of artificial lures, so we analyzed user reviews and advice from experienced fishermen and compiled a list of the best companies according to 2021-2022.

The rating includes brands Rapala, MIKADO, Abu, Kuusamo, Pilker, Rapala Bergman and Heavy Slver.

The most successful models of these manufacturers and included in the selection.

Useful video

From the video you will see an overview of the best trollers:

See also:

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