Top 10 best trollers for trout: rating 2021-2022 years and what to choose for winter fishing

Today's ranking of trolls for trout on our portal is the best way to quickly find the right model.

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Trout are predatory fish that are found in bodies of clear water, but they are not easy to catch.

By nature, trout are very cautious and timid, and do not react to any bait.

For trout fishing there are separate baits, but their choice should be done with utmost care.

Artificial bait should not only be intended for trout. In its selection take into account the degree of transparency and color of the water in the pond, its food base and even the season.

To make it easier to choose the right bait, we have prepared a brief checklist for buying the right artificial lure and a rating of the best baits for trout according to 2021-2022.

Top 10 Trout Tackle Ranking 2021-2022

Place Name Price
Top 4 best trolls for trout by price/quality for 2021-2022
1 DAIWA Chinook S 25 oscillating 25 g 60 mm Learn the price
2 Lucky John AYU 150935-039 3.5 g 31 mm Learn the price
3 SIWEIDA Pahra wobbler 95811103 11g Check out the price
4 Lucky John IMA 151021-038 2.1 g 26 mm Learn the price
Top 3 best winter trout rods
1 Rapala Jigging Rap W03/GYHF 6 g 30 mm. Learn the price
2 MIKADO Ice Spoon PMB-I01T-1.5-GG 1.5 g 24 mm Learn the price
3 Rapala Jigging Rap W02-CHL 4 g 20 mm Learn the price
Top 3 best jigging lures for trout
1 Lucky John Juna LJJU25-025 2.5g 30mm oscillating lure Learn the price
2 AKARA Lite Series Nami AN-27-2-CU 2 g 27 mm To know the price
3 Lucky John IMA 151021-012 2.1 g 26 mm Learn the price

How to choose a troll for trout?

It often happens that a purchased troll for trout does not bring the desired catch. This means that the bait was not chosen correctly, because for each body of water there are different types of trolls.

When choosing an artificial bait for trout, take into account:

  1. Type of water body.. Feeding base of rivers and lakes is very different. From this depends and lure. Lake trout practically does not react to the bait for the river, so you should stock up in advance suitable trollers for each type of body of water. When choosing a troll for river fishing, preference should be given to models that can withstand the current. For fishing in the lake use small baits.
  2. Season. In the spring, trout are not as cautious, so you can catch it on a bobber that imitates a fry or insect. For fall fishing, oscillating and spinning bobbers are more suitable, which will help to attract the attention of the fish.
  3. Size and weight. Trout are not able to swallow large food, so large baits will be unattractive for this fish. As for weight, the most popular trolls weigh no more than 3 grams. They behave perfectly during the game and attract the attention of predatory fish.

Also, when choosing a troll for trout, pay attention to its color. Attractive for this fish are lures with an unusual color, such as dots or stripes, but have a good catch are lures red, black, white and silver.


Top 4 best trout lures by price/quality for 2021-2022

If you do not fish often, but still want to catch a trophy trout, it is worth paying attention to inexpensive trollers for this predatory fish.

DAIWA Chinook S 25 oscillating 25 g 60 mm

This artificial bait for trout is considered universal, because it has 1equally high catchability not only in standing water, but also in the current.

Because of this, one and the same bait can be used to catch both river and lake trout. In addition, the product has a unique shape that imitates the appearance of small fry.

With the right game lure is able to attract the attention of even a passive in the cold season of fish.

The manufacturer has successfully picked up and color of the troll. On the golden-silver surface there are bright points.

This coloring creates the original fluctuations and refractions of light, which serves as an additional enticing factor for trout.

Additionally, the product is equipped with a triple suspension hook, which will not let even large prey snapping.

Technical characteristics:

  • length 60 mm;
  • type - oscillating;
  • weight 25 g;
  • hook triple suspension.


  • suitable for any body of water;
  • Durable triple hook;
  • great for playing in the water column;
  • attractive shape and color for trout;
  • there are several options for shades of trolls.


  • not always available for sale;
  • some users have difficulty with the attachment of bait to the jig.

Lucky John AYU 150935-039 3.5 g 31 mm

The design of this spoon is designed to be suitable for trout fishing 2in stagnant water or in bodies of water with a weak current.

To achieve this, the manufacturer has given the bait a classic drop-shaped shape, and the center of gravity is shifted to the back of the bait. This design allows the fisherman to easily play the bait in the water column to attract the attention of predatory fish.

The offset center of gravity has another advantage.

It allows you to make even long throws, which allows you to use the bait even in the cold season, when trout become extremely cautious and go far from the shore.

It should be borne in mind that the troll is equipped with only one hook, so a large prey can snap off the bait.


  • length 31 mm;
  • type - oscillating;
  • weight 3,5 g;
  • hook single suspended.

Pros of

  • Very affordable price;
  • Ideal for fishing for lake trout;
  • The shifted center of gravity allows to make long throws;
  • bright coloration, attractive to trout;
  • Ideal for active game in the water column.


  • small weight
  • Not suitable for rivers with a fast stream.

SIWEIDA Pahra oscillating troll 95811103 11 g

Inexpensive oscillating bobber has a high catchability, so it is ideal 4It is ideal for angling wary trout.

The color and shape of the bait imitates a fry and is suitable for active play in the water column. The bait itself is colored in gold, and on its surface there is an imitation of scales. At the bottom there is an additional insert imitating a fin.

Due to this appearance, the troll is fully consistent with the appearance of small fish and perfectly attracts trout.

Due to the relatively small weight of the lure is great for active play in the water column.

In addition, the plaice can be used in standing water, and in reservoirs with a fairly strong current.

Additionally, the manufacturer has provided the product with a triple hook, so even a large fish will not be able to escape from it.

Technical characteristics:

  • type - oscillating;
  • weight 11 grams;
  • hook triple suspension.

Pros of

  • Good coloring, imitating the color of fry;
  • Reliable and sharp triple hook;
  • suitable for active play;
  • increased catchability;
  • strong attachment of the triple hook.


  • Some users find the price excessive;
  • Sometimes there are difficulties with attaching to the tackle.

Lucky John IMA 151021-038 2.1 g 26 mm

This troll was specifically designed for trout fishing.. The bait has the shape of a slightly 4This bait has the shape of a slightly stretched and concave diamond.

The model is available in three weight variants, so it is easy to pick up a suitable product according to the type of reservoir and the strength of the current.

In addition, the manufacturer has created 12 color options for this bait, so everyone has the opportunity to pick up the bait, focusing on the type of food base of a particular body of water.

Another feature of this bait is that its inner and outer sides are painted in different colors. So during the game the light is successfully refracted, attracting the attention of trout. The bait is equipped with a hook of a special design.

It reliably captures the fish, but practically does not injure it.

The lightest variation of this troll is suitable for trout fishing at the water's edge, and the heaviest - for long-distance throwing and deep-water fishing.

Technical specifications:

  • length 26 mm;
  • type - oscillating;
  • weight 2,1 g;
  • single hook suspended.


  • well-thought-out shape;
  • there is a wide choice of different baits by weight and color;
  • suitable for all seasons;
  • original two-color color;
  • reliable hook attachment.


  • not always available on sale;
  • to increase the probability of catch, you need to buy several baits of different color and weight.

Top 3 best winter baits for trout

Winter trout fishing requires special lures that can attract the attention of the extremely cautious in the cold season predator. In 2021-2022, three models were voted the best winter trout trollers.

Rapala Jigging Rap W03/GYHF 6 g 30 mm

This model of bait is considered one of the most successful for winter fishing for trout. According to 3This type of bait belongs to the balancers and is considered universal.

It has a classic shape, so it is suitable for ice fishing for trout and other predatory fish species.

This model is available in six sizes, from 2 to 11 cm. Models also differ in weight; for winter fishing for trout most suitable bait for 6 grams.

The color gamma of the balancer is also very diverse, so the user can easily choose a bait, which is suitable by color to the food base of a particular pond.

The shape of the bait resembles a fry or other small fish, and the refraction of color is sure to attract the attention of a trout passive in the cold season.


  • length 30 mm;
  • type - balancer;
  • weight 6 g;
  • single soldered hook.


  • Increased catchability due to the successful form;
  • wide choice of colors;
  • Many models of different lengths and weights;
  • Durable hook attachment;
  • adequate price.


  • Not a very sharp hook;
  • The MIKADO Ice Spoon PMB-I01T-1.5-GG is not always very catchable in rivers with strong currents.

MIKADO Ice Spoon PMB-I01T-1.5-GG 1.5 g 24 mm

This small troll should not mislead you. Despite its small size, 5It has a very high catchability.

In addition, the bait can be called universal, because it is suitable for winter ice fishing not only cautious trout, but also other predatory fish such as perch.

In addition, the weight and shape of the bait allows its use for active vertical trolling in ice fishing.

Coloring and shape of the bait were also chosen very successfully. The bait itself is drop-shaped, and in its lower part there is an addition, resembling a broom.

It attracts the attention of trout when actively playing in the water column. The lure itself is shiny, so even the faint rays of the winter sun will successfully refract in the water, attracting the attention of trout.


  • Length 24 mm;
  • type - oscillating;
  • weight 1.5 g;
  • single hook suspended.

Pros of

  • Suitable for most types of predatory fish;
  • good shape;
  • Color enhances catchability;
  • low weight makes it easier to trolling;
  • sharp hook.


  • difficult to attach to the tackle;
  • single hook, so big fish can snap off it.

Rapala Jigging Rap W02-CHL 4 g 20 mm

One of the most successful balancer baits on the market today. In shape and color it 4Reminds of a small fry or a small fish, so the correct game is sure to attract the attention of trout.

In addition, this bait shape makes it suitable for winter fishing. The manufacturer has taken care that the user does not have any difficulty with the selection of bait. To do this, the manufacturer has presented several options for different lengths and weights.

Elongated and slightly flattened on the sides of the bait body provides a stable play and spearing, and in the process the spinner will slightly deviate from the edge of the hole, which makes it much easier to fish out the prey.

Unlike other models of the brand, this lure is equipped with a single hook, but it is securely sunk into the body of the bait. Additionally, a triple hook is provided in the kit with a suspended attachment.


  • length 20 mm;
  • type - balance;
  • weight 4 g;
  • single soldered hook.

Pros of

  • A wide choice of models in size and weight;
  • shape and color completely imitates the fry;
  • firmly soldered hook;
  • triple hook provided;
  • weakly deflects from the hole.


  • only suitable for winter fishing;
  • not very successful attachment of a triple hook.

Top 3 best oscillating trolls for trout

Jiggle baits are also great for trout fishing because they allow you to spend in the water column attractive game for predatory fish.

Lucky John Juna LJJU25-025 2.5 g 30 mm oscillating lure

This colorful jumbo jerkbait was specially designed for trout fishing with spinning currents.. By 4shape, size and weight it is perfect for fishing for trout on public waters, shallow lakes or rivers with a slow current.

The lure itself is made of durable metal, but all sides are covered with bright colored enamel.

This color is considered the most appropriate, because it attracts the attention of trout even in the cold season.

Low weight and enlarged body of the bait allows using it for slow wiring or playing in the water column.

Because of this, the bait is able to attract the attention of even the most passive predator. Additionally, the model is equipped with a single suspended hook. It is sharp enough and securely fixed, but large prey can still get off the hook.

Technical specifications:

  • length 30 mm;
  • weight 2,5 g;
  • single hook suspended.


  • suitable for use in paid reservoirs;
  • Can be used for smooth wiring;
  • bright coloration perfectly attracts trout;
  • high catchability;
  • very sharp hook.


  • Not suitable for rivers with a fast stream;
  • Does not always allow to keep big prey.

AKARA Lite Series Nami AN-27-2-CU 2 g 27 mm.

Bright and inexpensive wobbler is considered versatile because it can be used 5at almost any time of the year.

In this case, the weight is more suitable for lakes or rivers with a slow stream. With a fast current, the water will simply blow the bait away and the fish will not notice it.

The coloring of the lure's body is bright and presented in several variants, so the user will not be difficult to pick up the product depending on the feeding base of a particular body of water.

To hold the prey, the bait is equipped with a sharp single hook. It is suspended, so it reliably but gently holds the fish, although large individuals can snap off the hook.

If desired, the owner can easily detach the single hook and hang a more reliable tee in its place.


  • length 27 mm;
  • weight 2 g;
  • Single hook suspended.


  • wide choice of colors;
  • very sharp hook;
  • easy attachment to gear;
  • suitable for lakes and reservoirs;
  • great for active game.


  • not suitable for rivers with a fast stream;
  • the kit provides only a single hook.

Lucky John IMA 151021-012 2.1 g 26 mm

The main feature of this troll is in the single hook without beard. That makes it 5securely, but gently holds the fish without injuring it. Thanks to this feature, it can be used even for sport fishing in paid reservoirs.

The technical characteristics of the bait are also high.

Its shape is considered attractive to predatory fish and allows for active play and trolling in the water column.

In addition, the bait is presented in several colors, sizes and weight options. Due to this, the fishing enthusiast will be able to choose a suitable troll for the season, the type of reservoir and the food base in it.

Technical characteristics:

  • length 26 mm;
  • weight 2,1 g;
  • single hook suspended.

Pros of

  • affordable cost;
  • wide choice of colors and sizes;
  • suitable for sport fishing;
  • can be used for active game;
  • easy attachment to the rigging.


  • Not always available;
  • only a single hook is provided in the kit.

What company to choose?

Since the troll for trout is considered a specific bait, not all companies are engaged in the production of such products.

According to the analysis of user reviews in 2021-2022, the most catchy trollers were found by DAIWA, Lucky John, SIWEIDA, Rapala, MIKADO and AKARA.

The most successful models were included in our rating.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the review of the best trollers for trout:

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